My husband was diagnosed in June 21. The diagnosis of MSA C completely shocked us. Soon after, we heard something about a promising new substance that was soon to be … >>>>>>>
Everything slows down
I took a look at how many posts we wrote a month in the beginning, and how many now… It’s getting less. Writing a post is becoming more and more … >>>>>>>
MSA, body care, vanity and things like that…
I’ve been thinking these days, enough is enough, I need to shave my legs. I know that with MSA you have bigger problems than that. But I must say that … >>>>>>>
My sister not my nurse
The other day my sister said to me, when I denounced a wrinkle in the pad: “Jesus Christ, until one has you once in bed”.
Only to the correct assessment, … >>>>>>>
Oh well, it’s just always something or Colonel Hati
The article has been half finished on the iPad for quite some time. Somehow I lacked
the muse, the time and I did not want to deal with me … >>>>>>>
In search of the good feel moments. Or my rehab this year
Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for a while, I had a physical and mental slump, which culminated in the first week of my 30-day rehab in Loipl / Bishofswiesen. … >>>>>>>
Tipps and Tricks from basal Stimulation
She is only apathetic in bed, wrote me the other day the friend of a MSA sufferer.
That is already unfavorable, because it does not necessarily improve the situation. One … >>>>>>>
You have shared a memory
Yesterday, 3 years ago, my sister and I were in Belgrade for what was probably the last appearance of our Effzeh in Europe.
And tomorrow it will be two years … >>>>>>>
What do i get where. Part1
The You came on a Thursday and after I realized that I would not get even with you I wished for someone to tell me where to go.
Now I’m … >>>>>>>
When it allmost went to Hamburg
A birthday was coming up. The sister became one year older. Thinking was called for! Effzeh voucher, favorite scent … has already been given to others. Musical or concert … >>>>>>>