A man goes when he wants to go

Our paths crossed for a sad reason. And we spent too little time together.

You always had a kind word for all of us. For that I am now a little wordless.

Through you we learned how it is to go when one likes to go.

You broke the ice about a subject we never talked about, but which is a subject for all of us.

I have been trembling with you inside since I knew that you wanted to leave. How it may be – I have tried to understand. Because I follow you slowly but surely. How it may be when you have two weeks, when you have ten days, one week left.

On the one hand we are all sad and a bit horrified, but envy you for your courage. We envy you because you are free of the torment.

But we all miss you. Have a good trip Martin!

One Reply to “A man goes when he wants to go”

  1. Liebe Marta, danke für deine lieben Worte an Martin ,ich denke er würde sich freuen sie zu hören. Er ist froh gewesen dass er gehen könnte im Kreis seiner Geschwister und Kinder liebe Grüße von mir, die Mama von Martin
    Ich wünsche ihnen weiterhin viel Kraft, er hat oft von ihnen erzählt.

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