It was at the beginning of December four years that Santa Claus gave me the diagnosis. I must have been terribly naughty. I will never forget the shock of that … >>>>>>>
Everything slows down
I took a look at how many posts we wrote a month in the beginning, and how many now… It’s getting less. Writing a post is becoming more and more … >>>>>>>
MSA does not make me a better person, or rather, how this disease exhausts my mind
I was outside on Sunday – of course with my electric scooter, I can´t walk mainly outside, anymore. I have audio books with me, something to drink, sunglasses and baseball … >>>>>>>
MSA, body care, vanity and things like that…
I’ve been thinking these days, enough is enough, I need to shave my legs. I know that with MSA you have bigger problems than that. But I must say that … >>>>>>>
My sister not my nurse
The other day my sister said to me, when I denounced a wrinkle in the pad: “Jesus Christ, until one has you once in bed”.
Only to the correct assessment, … >>>>>>>
Like a baby only not so cute
When I move, I remind myself of a baby. I walk, stagger, like a toddler who has just learned to walk. When I move my hand, I am imprecise, I … >>>>>>>
About CoQ10
There is always a question about CoQ10. Doctors recommend it again and again, on the market there are a lot of different offers, it is very difficult to make a … >>>>>>>
To accept?
I ask myself again and again the question whether one can accept this condition ever. Through conversations, the topic now comes up again. Others say, they have the effort to … >>>>>>>
Not obvious
I live my everyday life, day in and day out. The highlights, the special moments consist of banalities, so in comparison to the past at least. In the past, the … >>>>>>>
To accept what is
I have not been in touch for a while now. I am busy with setting up my new apartment, my new life. And I would have liked to train myself … >>>>>>>