Somewhere in the parental cellar it still be, my first recording, where I
sang full of fervor. 2 Little Italians was one of my favorites
I was 3. and this … >>>>>>>
My sister not my nurse
The other day my sister said to me, when I denounced a wrinkle in the pad: “Jesus Christ, until one has you once in bed”.
Only to the correct assessment, … >>>>>>>
Oh well, it’s just always something or Colonel Hati
The article has been half finished on the iPad for quite some time. Somehow I lacked
the muse, the time and I did not want to deal with me … >>>>>>>
What should I do?
I remember how much hope we had in the Biohaven study.
Now we are almost 2 months away from the end of the official phase. And the question arises:
What … >>>>>>>
In search of the good feel moments. Or my rehab this year
Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for a while, I had a physical and mental slump, which culminated in the first week of my 30-day rehab in Loipl / Bishofswiesen. … >>>>>>>
Rehab and Derby Winner
On 10.02 I go to Bischofswiesen for rehab. The invitation came unexpectedly and pulled a lot of bureaucracy behind a phone call (KV, KlinIk, HA, neurologist, Ergo, DB ect) … >>>>>>>
When it’s boiling-The secretion management
I was recently allowed to participate in a question/answer session , with a luminary in the field of atypical Parkinson’s syndromes.
In addition to the medical questions, it was also … >>>>>>>
Tipps and Tricks from basal Stimulation
She is only apathetic in bed, wrote me the other day the friend of a MSA sufferer.
That is already unfavorable, because it does not necessarily improve the situation. One … >>>>>>>
You have shared a memory
Yesterday, 3 years ago, my sister and I were in Belgrade for what was probably the last appearance of our Effzeh in Europe.
And tomorrow it will be two years … >>>>>>>
Back, Right, Left
A beautiful St. Nicholas Day to all of you ? And 2nd Advent
I often read that caring relatives ask for tips on suctioning or other care tips, that … >>>>>>>