Currently I am dealing a lot with pain. Primarily out of my own need and distress. Almost daily people ask me how I am and I have several problems with … >>>>>>>
To accept what is
I have not been in touch for a while now. I am busy with setting up my new apartment, my new life. And I would have liked to train myself … >>>>>>>
What do i get where. Part1
The You came on a Thursday and after I realized that I would not get even with you I wished for someone to tell me where to go.
Now I’m … >>>>>>>
The simplicity of walking
It happened. I can’t gloss it over anymore, I can’t blame it on the time of the day or on the psyche, my gait has become worse. I don’t think … >>>>>>>
Why I am not a good walker!
It’s Sunday night, the referee has just blown the whistle for the last game!
My club got the first point and got well into the game in the 2 half … >>>>>>>
Brocade cushions and other aids
Brocade cushions and other aids
The other day I read another post where the patient/family refused a permanent catheter, but the affected patient was at serious risk of falling.
Why … >>>>>>>
Camptocormia and what else is on my minds
Today is World Down’s Day. To draw attention to it, one should wear two different socks. Actually, I should be sitting in the Müngersdorfer Stadium with my 2 different socks … >>>>>>>
Wash up 2019
I hope you all had a nice, relaxed Christmas and were happy with the Christ Child ?!
I didn’t see a Christmas market and my back and the weekly falls … >>>>>>>
After the rain comes always sunshine
I was surprised to find that my last post sounded “darker” than I meant it. Well, that wasn’t my intention. Friends and acquaintances contacted me asking “if everything would be … >>>>>>>
The three days of Condor or Marion on the road in cologne
Today, I somehow don’t wake up properly, I am tired without end, but I can’t get enough sleep. After the last night it was 5 hours. In total it was … >>>>>>>