It was at the beginning of December four years that Santa Claus gave me the diagnosis. I must have been terribly naughty. I will never forget the shock of that … >>>>>>>
Now I have not written anything for a long time. There are several reasons for this: firstly, writing is very exhausting for me. I have become very slow. And instead … >>>>>>>
Between hope, anger and despair
My husband was diagnosed in June 21. The diagnosis of MSA C completely shocked us. Soon after, we heard something about a promising new substance that was soon to be … >>>>>>>
This demand for happiness and gratitude is annoying
Being dissatisfied or unhappy is totally taboo. Negative thoughts and feelings in general. We have to deal with the most devastating disease, our lives, and often the lives of our … >>>>>>>
Do what is possible
For about two weeks now lives the sports group. That’s me, and a handful of participants from our online group. We do one hour of sports every day, each as … >>>>>>>
Everything slows down
I took a look at how many posts we wrote a month in the beginning, and how many now… It’s getting less. Writing a post is becoming more and more … >>>>>>>
A man goes when he wants to go
Our paths crossed for a sad reason. And we spent too little time together.
You always had a kind word for all of us. For that I am now a … >>>>>>>
The final result
It would take a few days to realize. Out of the dream…
A few days ago came the press release from Biohaven itself that the drug is unfortunately ineffective. I … >>>>>>>
The long farewell to my voice and the stadium
Somewhere in the parental cellar it still be, my first recording, where I
sang full of fervor. 2 Little Italians was one of my favorites
I was 3. and this … >>>>>>>
MSA does not make me a better person, or rather, how this disease exhausts my mind
I was outside on Sunday – of course with my electric scooter, I canĀ“t walk mainly outside, anymore. I have audio books with me, something to drink, sunglasses and baseball … >>>>>>>