What is it like to be stuck in an MSA body? I often wish it on those around me for just 5 minutes. I also don’t know how another MSA … >>>>>>>
Oh well, it’s just always something or Colonel Hati
The article has been half finished on the iPad for quite some time. Somehow I lacked
the muse, the time and I did not want to deal with me … >>>>>>>
In search of the good feel moments. Or my rehab this year
Sorry, I haven’t been in touch for a while, I had a physical and mental slump, which culminated in the first week of my 30-day rehab in Loipl / Bishofswiesen. … >>>>>>>
Tipps and Tricks from basal Stimulation
She is only apathetic in bed, wrote me the other day the friend of a MSA sufferer.
That is already unfavorable, because it does not necessarily improve the situation. One … >>>>>>>
When it allmost went to Hamburg
A birthday was coming up. The sister became one year older. Thinking was called for! Effzeh voucher, favorite scent … has already been given to others. Musical or concert … >>>>>>>
Why I am not a good walker!
It’s Sunday night, the referee has just blown the whistle for the last game!
My club got the first point and got well into the game in the 2 half … >>>>>>>
Go back to the beginning…
Go back to the beginning…
…go there immediately. Do not pass go, do not draw 4000 Euro!
I filled up like this or something like that on 12.08 when I … >>>>>>>
A new chapter
Apparently, it’s time to add one or two more of my MSA’s capital.
Monday 14 days ago my sister, my nephew and I, after a guided eternity at home, went … >>>>>>>
How I move…
…now depends on many factors. How did I sleep, the weather, did I drink enough (and I don’t mean alcohol), how strong are my back pains, were the last days … >>>>>>>
Trappen in endless slow motion
Trappen in endless slow motion…
…that’s what I feel like now. Especially this morning when I was spooning my breakfast egg and it took forever for the spoon to work … >>>>>>>