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A beautiful St. Nicholas Day to all of you ? And 2nd Advent
I often read that caring relatives ask for tips on suctioning or other care tips, that patients are concerned about whether it is part of the clinical picture to no longer be able to roll around alone in bed at some point.
What am I getting at? Well, actually it’s all about positioning. We store canned food, not people. Maybe I can give you some suggestions and tips.
Why do we actually change Posirion? So that the mother doesn’t get sore or the grandfather doesn’t open is the most common answer given to nursing students.
But the prevention of bedsores (decubitus propylaxis) is not the only reason why one should change position from time to time. Other reasons include avoiding pneumonia (pneumonia prophylaxis)
Promoting well-being, pain relief, promoting orientation in space
Prevent the patient from swallowing (aspiration prophylaxis)
Thromboses and spasms should also be prevented.
How often one should turn or be turned depends on factors such as skin condition, circulation, pain, etc., if I stay with us neurological, non-operated patients.
Basically one can say:
A) The softer the mattress, the more difficult it is with independence. There are special Parkinson’s mattresses, where movement impulses promote the patient’s own movement, erection should be easier and the microstimulation will release any existing tensions. E.g. of Thomashilfen
B) Otherwise, as many aids as necessary and as little as possible should be used.

The optimal concept for neurological patients is LIN = positioning in neutral position.
I know, the term is not the most current but only few say positioning.
LIN improves the passive mobility of hip and shoulder, as well as comfort for patients.
It requires more material than conventional positions, which stabilizes the patient and allows him to relax. The heels, coccyx and sacrum are relieved by evenly distributing the body weight. The risk of decubitus is reduced. In addition, the muscles are no longer so tense, so the patient also relaxes.

Sitting bed
To prepare for activities such as washing (if it has to be done in bed), serving food, receiving visitors, etc.

Back (lying down)
At night for back pain (when the patient has no problems with the skin, blood pressure or lungs.

On the back the cervical spine and head are sufficiently supported in extension of the spine (neck roll). The frother roll under the ischial tuberosity reduces the risk of the patient slipping down and a thin blanket is modelled on each side of the body. The feet are supported with cushions in the direction of the back of the foot. The arm position is close to the body.
For the seat bed, the footrest is lowered, if possible.


Lateral position
For more torso stability, the chest and abdomen can be fixed with an abdominal bandage / cloth. Attention ⚠️ Pay attention to the breathing !

Which is still important ⚠️⚠️⚠️Auf the body temperature achten.!⚠️⚠️⚠️
Who is uncertain. Try it out with neighbors, friends or relatives, if Corona lets you do it again.

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