Travel with MSA

I am in Canada now for a few days! Seeing the Ocean, was on my bucket list, besides I have two cousins with family here and my godchild whom I haven’t seen for over 30 years now, you can say it’s since the baptism. She’s became a pretty young woman by now.

I wanted to make this trip as long as I am capable to travel. But I was excited about the travel anyway.

The distance from my home to the airport is about 50 km, I had a supernice offer from a friend, I could have take a taxi, and he would take over the costs – but I wanted to make this experience, to go out on my own. Maybe on my way back home I’ll take the offer? I’ll be more tired.

So I had to take the bus to the city train, then the city train twice, change trains once. I have a rolling suitcase which I can pull relatively easy beside me and it should work with the walking stick. If necessary, I can still take a taxi from the city train station. That was the plan.

I packed only the most necessary things, so that the suitcase is not too heavy. So I left with a half empty suitcase.

The biggest challenge was to know where the next toilet is, I like to know that and I like to have the possibility to use it, no matter if I need it or not.

So I was getting off in the morning, in time, to have enough buffers. 

The ride was exhausting but it worked. Every time I had to get in or out the train., I had to plan every move. I was there in time. 

At Munich airport I had to walk a long way, until I found the check-in. From there everything was easy, I booked a Assistance Service, that means they push or drives me, where I have to go and I get to board the plane or transport bus first. I sat the first time in my life in a wheelchair. That was a strange feeling.

I was really proud of my self when I arrived at the airport, to make it.

I had to change planes once in London. The flight to London was uncomplicated, there were only millions of children in the plane and all of them was screaming. But the short flight to London can be endured, and I had to wait a good two and half hour, there to change. Arrived there, I was driven from one terminal to the other by bus, which was an eternally long journey. There I was “temporarily stored” in a lounge, where all handicapped people had to wait. Being in London was a bit melancholic, because I planned earlier to go with my ex-boyfriend to London, but now everything cames different.

Then came the long flight to Vancouver. Fortunately I had a place on the corridor-side. I would recommend it to everyone to ask for it. Besides, I would recommend to refuse eating airplane food, if fine motor skills are an issue. I didn’t dare to touch it and almost let it go back, as it was. It’s all tiny and packed, I knew if I touched it, it would end in an accident. The worst thing is about the long flight, I had time to think about everything, the whole life, the disease..

All in all, you can handle the flight. A long flight has always been annoying. Compression stockings and medication ready.

Jetlag is of course annoying, and in the afternoon I am already tired. Inside me I seem to dry out, here is still hot and everywhere air condition is running, which certainly does no good in addition, dry eyes, dry mouth and constipation torture me a little bit. 

Now I enjoy the care of my sweet cousin and try, not too much to get used to the pampering program, because I will miss it at home.

Photo: Screeny /

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