The eternal question “Is this a symptom or not?”

The strange thing about this disease is that it can cause anything. If I have something, I will automatically blame the disease. What you think? Dry scalp or ingrown toenails? Everything MSA. 

It is not that simple, often it can be side effects or interactions of various drugs. But we are also at an age where “signs of wear and tear” already exist. The only good thing about this disease is that now I am not affected by any new wrinkles, not even an additional kilo on my hips.

To my symptoms: the increasing balance issues and walking problems I attribute definitively to MSA. That my handwriting is illegible is also. That I am extremely clumsy and everything falls out of my hand, is definitely MSA. My language problems as well. The slow sneaking tremor in my right hand, too. The weak and unstable blood pressure also, and that I wheeze like a horse from minimal effort.

Then two new things are added where I am unsure. The morning hoarseness.  As if I had a lot of plaque in my throat, which I have to get rid of. It could be that my vocal chords undergo a change, but it can also be something completely different. After all, I learned from my speech therapist: don’t clear your throat, rather cough. And then there are these annoying eye infections. I get them again and again and I don’t think anymore, they have anything to do with the contact lenses. Meanwhile I painfully take care and use eye drops, and if it is only possible, I am without contact lenses. Well, this change can come from MSA either, but maybe not. Sometimes I think that all this has to do, with my body drying out, so to speak. The change is noticeable in the digestion, or in the daily dry mouth.

You can’t do  anything else than be your own doctor and do experiments – MSA or not.

If one has no other hobby….

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