The difficulties of pain therapy

Eventful days lie behind me and I almost managed to stay on the ground for 7 days. Unfortunately it did not work out. But in contrast to the last but one fall there is no bleeding and with a little luck there are no bruises.
What you have to dazuˋwissen, I was in the pain ambulance and got Palexia and Amitriptylin prescribed in small doses. So, for me this dosage was completely sufficient.

Not to relieve my back pain, but to override my last remaining balance. This was noticeable in that the threshold from the bathroom to the hallway seems so high that I always stop first to prepare myself emotionally and with the highest concentration to cross the threshold. And it pulls me forward in such a way that I already fold forward while sitting.
Sometimes I bend over so much that I could also work as a truffle pig. The whole thing is called Kamptokormie . And lo and behold, a longer-term treatment of the Kamptokormie turns out extremely difficult. According to the current state of knowledge, a cure of the symptoms is not possible.

By means of a targeted injection of botulinum toxin into the psoas muscles (Musculus psoas major et minor) and the longitudinal abdominal muscles (Musculus rectus abdominis), the forward inclined force should be inhibited. Meaningful studies are still missing.

With the help of deep brain stimulation in axial dystonia, an improvement of the symptoms can be achieved.  In contrast, Parkinson’s patients showed varying degrees of relief. Clear statements on deep brain stimulation are not available, because of different studies -> different results, etc.
Here, too, physiotherapy and, if necessary, a high rollator is used.
My biggest pledge so far was that I am not afraid of falling and that I am stubborn enough to want to do it. The boss always says that I am rather blunt.
Roughly speaking, I felt it as a look into the future, because I (we MSAlers) don’t get any better than that! In addition, there was the post office, a person affected who increasingly chokes and complains of increasing shortness of breath. The last sentence was something like, that she couldn’t do anything else but to wait for her suffocation death. That touched me more than was good for me, because it showed me my course and it is effectively too fast for me.  Yeah, I know everybody has their own story…
Every time I notice a worsening, I think that’s not possible because I’m not done yet. I don’t know what’s missing, but it’s missing. I always have to tell myself it’s not a disease that comes in waves and start looking for causes for the deterioration.
In the meantime the Amitriptyline has been discontinued and I am no longer so subdued, my walking insecurity has decreased again. In consultation with my pain therapist, we started another attempt with ONLY Palexia.
This morning in the bathroom it was time again, I found myself on the floor. And also otherwise the walk was anything but safe.
Ok, nobody said it would be easy.

What helps you? Does one of you wear a corset?

Besides, we’re all eagerly awaiting the day the trial starts. I’m hoping to get some stability and time from her in the drug group.

And then the DFL is canceling the derby. Plea, Kramer and Janschke like that! This cancellation plays into everybody’s hands, only the effzeh nicht??

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